Photosynthesis and the creation of ATP is the reason life exists. Glyphosate acts is an herbicide by interrupting this pathway.
Glyphosates’ Relationship to Adenosine: With the purine base of adenine, adenosine is of import with respect to adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production and subsequent reduction and the purinergic signaling to the receptor sites listed below. Glyphosate interferes with the production of ATP and the enzyme (adenosine deaminase (ADA)) both needed to reduce adenosine to inosine, which plays a role in DNA and RNA editing. Altered adenosine concentrations produce inflammatory responses and neurotransmitter dysregulation. Reduction in ATP production through interrupted glycolysis (cellular respiration). Glyphosates main target is cessation of cellular respiration which leads to an excess of adenosine, producing excessive sleepiness and suppression of the immune system through activation of the adenosine receptor sites.
Glyphosate’s Disruption of the Biome Changes Adenosine Levels in Perinatal Development:[i] In pregnancy and the first two years of life adenosine levels are intended to be high so as to naturally suppress the immune system so the baby is not miscarried and the infant’s immune system can establish itself without becoming over-reactive to the normal lacto-fermenting bacteria in the mother’s biome. Disruption of the gut biome of the mother and infant by glyphosate leads to elevated adenosine levels and resultant changes in immune system function and neurotransmitter regulation in the infant. An over-reactive immune system response leads to excessive histamine production and allergic response in relation to the normal lacto-fermenting bacteria. Glyphosate disruption of the enzymes that help to breakdown lactic acid results in lactic acidosis, a condition marked by elevated histamine levels. Elevated lactic acid and heightened histamine can lead to cerebral inflammation, developmental delays, autism, and changes in mood and behavior.
Glyphosate Driven Elevated Extracellular Adenosine Levels: In non-reproducing adults, elevated adenosine leads to immune system suppression and increases the tendency towards cancer cell and tumor growths. Glyphosate driven elevated adenosine levels suppresses healthy T cell proliferation and cytokine activity:[ii] Killer T cells are needed to destroy cancer cells.
Glyphosate Interferes with DNA and RNA Editing:[iii] The zinc dependent enzyme adenosine deaminase (ADA) is responsible for the reduction of adenosine to inosine which plays in the vital role of RNA editing. Glyphosate causes a reduction in and alters the form of ADA. There is a feedback loop in healthy ADA driven RNA editing that regulates the form of ADA expression. This feedback loop governs all gene coding and either activates the development of gene mutations and cancer cells or checks them. Elevated levels of copper, silver, or mercury inhibit ADA. Proliferation of RNA retroviruses results. Mumps, Measles, Rubella, Rotavirus, Polio, Zika, Cornaviruses, ETC.
Glyphosate and Guanine-Protein Coupled Receptor Sites (GPCRs): This is large guanine dependent protein family of receptors that direct molecules between cells and activate internal signal transduction pathways and cellular responses (purinergic signaling system). Many of these receptor sites are metal and calcium dependent (Ligand binding sites and Calcium channels respectively).
Learn more below…
Glyphosate disrupts purinergic signalling of DNA replication, immune system expression, and transduction pathways
Glyphosate encourages the immune system to remain in a hyper-elevated state of inflammation through a number of interactions:
i. A glyphosate driven deficiency of glycine for the glycine dependent glutamate receptors in the brain, promotes excess extracellular glutamate and a deficiency of GABA. This drives cerebral excitation, inflammation, and autistic expression.
ii. Glyphosate driven activation of the adenosine receptor sites suppresses the immune system’s ability to develop the appropriate macrophage response needed to neutralize the newly injected bacterial or viral particles. This state of suppression elevates eosinophil and neutrophil counts, and mast cell degranulation resulting in increased allergic asthma and eczema.
iii. Glyphosate driven excess adenosine leads to suppression of zinc dependent adenosine deaminase (ADA) controlled RNA gene editing process. Some of the infectious agents in vaccines are RNA retroviruses (will upload into the hosts DNA to be replicated). With the immune system suppressed, co-infections with RNA retroviruses are trans-activated which can effect further gene mutation.[i] Associated retroviruses are Hepatitis B, Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), human T-cell leukemia virus, and xenotropic murine leukemia virus (XMRV). (On a side note XMRV was found to have contaminated the inactivated polio vaccines (IPV) and compounds auto-immune dysregulation[ii]).
iv. Immune system suppression also leads to activation of RNA viruses such as polio virus or herpes viruses. After their initial active stage, they will remain latent in the body only to become active when the immune system is suppressed or over taxed by other viruses: Herpes simplex, Chickenpox, EBV, Cytomegalovirus, etc.
v. This same suppression of the gene editing process affects the degradation of RNA viruses. These viruses also have a high mutation rate and can become incorporated into the DNA and modify gene expression. This quality of RNA viruses has enabled the science of GMO, by the insertion of RNA viruses into the DNA, and is unitized for all genetic modification of plants to make them disease resistant. The use of RNA viruses in vaccines has unwittingly modified gene expression in humans and rather than making them immune to the target disease, have rendered them in a greater state of ill-health as the viruses subject their functionality onto the cells of their organ of affinity. Human RNA viruses include:
o Rotavirus, polio, and other enteroviruses (affecting zonulin (haptoglobin)) and the regulation of the tight junctions in the intestines).
o Ebola hemorrhagic fever, West Nile fever, Dengue, Yellow fever, and Zika* (affecting calcium and phosphorus in the bones, immune system and the liver with the blood clotting) mechanism. *Zika virus does not cause microcephaly. Reports show that those infants in Brazil born with microcephaly were born in areas heavily sprayed with the insecticide pyriproxyfen and this is the cause of the microcephaly. [iii]
o Hepatitis C (affecting the liver).
o SARS, common cold, influenza (affecting the respiratory and immune system).
o Measles, Mumps and Rubella (affecting myelin in the brain, skin or intestinal lining, meninges, or glandular system respectively (gonads and breasts). The RNA viral strains in the MMR vaccine given to an individual with glyphosate toxicity will remain perpetually active causing inflammation in their organs of affinity and will enter the DNA to modify gene expression.
vi. The failure of the immune systems’ ability to suppress the expression of these retroviruses results in aberrant immunological regulation, neurotransmitter ratios, and gene expression.[iv]
vii. The additional effect of the antibiotics used to suppress the macrophage directed elimination process that results in ‘middle ear infections’ leads to further gut biome dysbiosis, that is already dysregulated by glyphosate. This compounds the effects of the immunological and neuro-developmental delays previously discussed.[v], [vi]
viii. Glyphosate driven interference of DNA coding for the digestive enzyme pepsin results in an inability to digest the gliadins in gluten which leads to inflammation in the intestinal lining. As a result, gluten and other toxins pass through the intestinal lining to the general circulation forcing an immune system response to the gluten.[vii]
ix. Glyphosate compounds the toxicity of mercury (thimerosal, found in vaccines) by upregulating the pathological bacteria Desulfovibrio, which converts mercury to methylmercury which is far more toxic.[viii] In the face of glyphosate an individual with previous heavy metal toxicity will become that much more toxic as the leached mercury converts to methylmercury.
x. Glyphosate synergistically exaggerates the inflammatory response from the aluminum adjuvants added to vaccines compounding immune system inflammation.[ix]
xi. Vaccines disrupt the normal copper/zinc ratios in the brain. This is further compounded to the glyphosate driven copper excess and zinc deficiency. The copper/zinc ratio in is vital for DNA regulation in epigenetics, adenosine suppression of immunological expression, and acetylcholine activity and receptor site functionality. All of this increase the effect of autistic expression.[x]
xii. Interruption in neurotransmitter production in the gut and neurotransmitter regulation by glycine dependent receptor sites in the brain leads to a host of neurological dysregulation patterns of expression.
Part 1:
[i] T.D. Charlier (Rennes). Exposure to glyphosate and glyphosate-based herbicides during the peripartum period affects maternal behavior and maternal brain plasticity. Neuro France. 2017, Bordeaux, France.
[ii] Judy A. Mikovits, Vincent C. Lombardi, Max A. Pfost, Kathryn S. Hagen, Francis W. Ruscetti. Detection of an infectious retrovirus, XMRV, in blood cells of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. Virulence. 2010. Sep-Oct; 1(5): 386–390.
[iii] Dan Dominissini, Sharon Moshitch-Moshkovitz, Ninette Amariglio, Gideon Rechavi. Adenosine-to-inosine RNA editing meets cancer. Carcinogenesis, Volume 32, Issue 11, 1. November 2011, Pages 1569–1577.
Part 2:
[i] Judy A. Mikovits, Vincent C. Lombardi, Max A. Pfost, Kathryn S. Hagen, Francis W. Ruscetti. Detection of an infectious retrovirus, XMRV, in blood cells of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. Virulence. 2010. Sep-Oct; 1(5): 386–390.
[ii] Ibid.
[iii] Is Zika the real cause of microcephaly in Brazil? New study raises questions. 10/09/2016. Health, News.
[iv] Ibid.
[v] T.D. Charlier (Rennes). Exposure to glyphosate and glyphosate-based herbicides during the peripartum period affects maternal behavior and maternal brain plasticity. Neuro France. 2017, Bordeaux, France.
[vi] Bilbo SD, Nevison CD, Parker W. A model for the induction of autism in the ecosystem of the human body: the anatomy of a modern pandemic? Microb Ecol Health Dis, 2015; 26: 26253.
[vii] Seneff, S. Glyphosate + aluminum + mercury + glutamate = autism. AutismOne Media. June 1, 2018.
[viii] Ibid.
[ix] Ibid.
[x] Fatemeh Sayehmiri, MSc, Nasim Babaknejad, MSc, Somayeh Bahrami, MSc, Kourosh Sayehmiri, PhD, Mojtaba Darabi, MD ,1 and Mostafa Rezaei-Tavirani, PhD. Zn/Cu Levels in the Field of Autism Disorders: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Iran J Child Neurol. 2015 Autumn; 9(4): 1–9.