Are you Awakening?
We must first realize we are conscious beings living in physical bodies. These bodies require certain nutrition to function. If we consume poison we will become poison: the thoughts we think and the words we say will convey the extent to which our bodies have been poisoned. To realize the full potential of the incarnation of GOD (the Generating-Organizing-Delivering/Destroying system on this planet) humans must address their feelings of disconnect from creation, unworthiness, and why we would invent a poison to spray on our food that has the ability to destroy the entire food chain including ourselves. To transform our limitations we must first realize where are are stuck. Each chakra informs our consciousnesses of the actions we must take.
Throughout this website you will find how Glyphosate disturbs biologic systems. It is presented in such a way as to move your soul into right action to ensure survival of the living world. Follow your heart to find the way.
Root Chakra:
Fear is countered by knowledge: the more you know the less fear you will have. This chakra is the foundation of the human system for expansion into life. if our foundation is disturbed we can be easily dominated. When we begin to comprehend the extent of how Glyphosate has poisoned the entire planet threatening our existence, fear is easy to feel. Once we understand the issue then we can focus on the solution.
Sacral Chakra:
This chakra is governed by the water element that registers vibrations and is the center of the established self. It governs the Gonads and reproductive system. This chakra registers how we feel. It tells us to pay attention and to reconcile your actions with what you feel. If you have feelings about Glyphosate being sprayed on our food supply, feelings about the threat to your existence, pay attention and remember how you are.
Solar Plexus:
The center of the will starts, clarity, wisdom, self-confidence and well-being. Unlocked panic energy drives the power to save, change or destroy the world This chakra also governs the liver, pancreas and adrenals for enzymes, detoxification and the conversion of energy to action. Clogged detoxification systems can leave you confused, inactive, and unwell. When you are free of glyphosate you will find the joy of life coming back into your body, mind and presence of being. Here also you will begin to take right action towards the future you want to see.
Heart Chakra:
The intersection of the lower three and upper three chakras meet. Here you will find the thymus gland; governor of the immune system. Here you are connected to infinite love as a melding of your foundation, feelings, and will from below and clear communication, clear understanding, and karmic liberation.
Once clear of toxicity you will be unhurt, unstuck, and unbeaten. Connect with others to heal the suffering of this toxic physical reality.
Throat chakra:
Expression, abundance, manifestation, intuition, communication. Speaking your truth and living in integrity with nature Center of the thyroid gland which regulates metabolism. Glyphosate works to disrupts healthy thyroid function in development and metabolism. Once clear you will be free to communicate all you know to be true.
Brow Chakra:
The third eye, gifts us with the ability to see and cut through illusion. It governs the pituitary and hypothalamus which serve as the fact checkers for the entire endocrine system. Glyphosate dysregulates the hormones and receptor sites of the entire endocrine system.
The ability to see clearly the truth about the physical reality is in relation to the degree we intuit the truth of the non-physical. Must we be born into a human driven toxic world that dysregulates the entire endocrine system to forget who we are? Detoxification leads us on the path to out of illusion to the purity of thought and intuition.
Crown Chakra:
In a state of liberation we can experience through this chakra we can unite the soul to a source of light like the sun which we may call God. The pineal gland is the receptor for light and dark and regulates the day and night in our system. One must attain enlightenment through the brow before liberation can be achieved through the crown. To attain liberation of our soul we must be free of all karma accumulated by incorrect interpretation, thought and deed. How is it that humans have taken up the path to destroy the very physical environment and their bodies with glyphosate that is intended to facilitate the souls journey to complete liberation? The actions we take towards reconciliation of this contradiction will set us free.